Research Data
This section presents an overview of information and access options to research data when using PubData. This includes specific instructions for the submission process, especially for the archiving and the potential additional publication of your research data, as well as the access to the research data inventory within the PubData catalogue including search functionalities and access to available datasets.
PubData services include the long-term preservation, documentation and publication of research data and materials from Leuphana’s scientific projects. PubData makes research data available in a FAIR way via the PubData catalogue by assigning a DOI, a license and descriptive information to increase and foster data reuse.
In accordance to the guidelines of safeguarding good scientific practice, we provide an institutional archiving service for data depositors and, in addition, offer a publication service for research data to facilitate the sharing and to increase the availability of your research results generated during your Leuphana research activities. The data transfer is personal and requires your → Login.
Please contact our Service Centre Research Data Management via the e-mail address provided if you have any need for support.
Besides archiving and publishing your own data, you can also reuse existing datasets from PubData. Feel free to discover our research data inventory and navigate through our PubData catalogue searching for interesting datasets. The associated data records contain descriptive information about the data itself as well as current access conditions and existing licenses. In the best scenario, you are allowed to reuse data openly in the spirit of Open Science.
For further information on procedures and usage of PubData, please also refer to our → Info website providing our research data guidelines and policies or view the specified details in the research data subsections.
Do you have any questions?
Take advantage of our support:
→ Questions for using PubData:
→ Service Centre Research Data Management:
Via PubData, university members are authorised to submit their research data for the secure and permanent preservation to the Leuphana archiving system including full access protection. The right to archive your data may be extended to researchers from cooperation partners contractually associated with Leuphana on request and upon consideration.
PubData makes your research data publicly accessible and available. Access to this data can either be completely free or restricted to certain persons or groups of persons. All published research data is automatically archived.
Use the search or the browsing functionality to navigate through the PubData inventory and to access the individual data records on the PubData platform. There you will find all the important information about the data as well as the associated files themselves.