Guidelines Publications

The institutional repository PubData offers the opportunity to publish digital publications that have been created in the context of research, teaching and studies at Leuphana University of Lüneburg in open access, i.e. worldwide free of charge and permanently.

The prerequisites for inclusion in the PubData inventory are that the authors have the legal rights required for this purpose, that the publication content is based on a scientific debate, and that the materials submitted for publication correspond to the accepted resource types (→ PubData Collection Policy Publications).

PubData perceives itself as an element in the open science cosmos and thus as an instrument for fostering the global transfer of knowledge. Thus, all publications in the PubData inventory are made freely accessible (minimum 10 years). It is possible to set an embargo on files so that the content is only released to the public via PubData after a specified period of time has elapsed. A publication on this repository is designed for a long-term period, which means that deletion of publications a is not envisaged.

The materials accepted for publication will receive a digital object identifier (DOI), so that their permanent citability is guaranteed. In addition, the publications are transferred to overarching catalogue systems and search engines, The publications published via PubData can be reused by others in compliance with the respective licensing conditions and thus be added to new research cycles and projects.

The MIZ as provider checks the materials submitted to PubData in a standardised procedure and ensures that publications added to the inventory fundamentally fulfil certain technical and formal criteria for the intended purpose of usage. During the submission process, the publication-depositing party in turn ensures the harmlessness of the intended use by means of the → PubData Publishing Agreement Publications and confirms that the publication of the material does not violate the rights of third parties. PubData is not responsible for the content of the publications provided and accepts no liability in the event of infringement of third party rights.

For further information on the inclusion criteria and publishing requirements for publications, please refer to the → PubData Collection Policy Publications and the → PubData Publishing Agreement Publications. Feel free to contact the PubData Team with any questions:











