Publications Section


Here you can find information on how materials can be published via PubData and which aspects need to be taken into account. You can use the search bar above to go on a research expedition and search the PubData catalogue. Our team will be pleased to answer any questions you may have.

The institutional repository PubData offers the possibility to publish digital publications, which have been created in the context of research, teaching and studies at Leuphana University Lüneburg, worldwide free of charge and permanently.

The prerequisites for inclusion in the PubData inventory are that the authors have the legal rights required for this purpose, that the publication content is based on a scientific debate, and that the materials submitted for publication correspond to the accepted resource types (→ PubData Collection Policy Publications).

The approved publications will receive a digital object identifier (DOI), so that their permanent citability is guaranteed. Furthermore, publication metadata is delivered to cross-catalog systems and search engines.

Publishing on this repository is meant for a long-term period, i.e. deletion of publications is not intended.

Publications published via PubData can be reused by others in compliance with the respective usage license and thus be added to new research cycles and projects.

More information can be found in the brief overview → General Information and in the → Guidelines Publications.

Do you have any questions?

→ for using PubData:
→ on aspects related to open access:


Eligible for publication are researchers, lecturers, students and cooperation partners of Leuphana. In the case of dissertations, the information in the → confirmation of receipt must be completed by the doctoral candidate. Student publications require a → publication recommendation from the respective reviewers or lecturers.


The publications on PubData can be searched free of charge via the catalogue. By using the advanced search and various filters, the search results can be narrowed down to specific resource types, publication periods and other attributes. A reuse of the publications is allowed under consideration of the respective usage license. The licence information is provided in the metadata of each publication.