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Original TitleTeach About U.S. Moodle Course: Project Week / Power to the People - Renewable Energy in the Community
Kinds of DataPrograms and Applications
Context Materials / Supporting information
Resource TypeDynamic / Interactive Web Resource
CreatorKaliampos, Joannis  0000-0002-1151-8679 (Institute of English Studies (IES), Leuphana Universität Lüneburg  02w2y2t16)
Schmidt, Torben  0000-0001-6579-2115  133180514 (Institute of English Studies (IES), Leuphana Universität Lüneburg  02w2y2t16)
Kohl, Martina  0000-0001-5138-9528 (U.S. Embassy Berlin)
Ernst, Karin (Life e.V.)
Krüger, Katja (Life e.V.)
Description of the DatasetThe resource consists of a well-structured course curriculum for the English-as-a-foreign-language classroom, packaged in a Moodle file and accompanied with teaching notes and a Moodle overview. The course is designed to explore and understand the topic of renewable energy in the community and provide a robust framework for a renewable energy course. The course centers around the fictional town of Leinwig, where students are presented with the opportunity to contribute to the town's transition to renewable energy sources. The teaching notes provide teachers with in-depth explanations and essential teaching points as well as suggested approaches for interactive activities. The Moodle overview serves as a tutorial offering a step-by-step walkthrough of Moodle's various features and functionalities. As a culminating project outcome, students are tasked with presenting their solution in a concise 3 minute video and pitching their approach to an expert commission. This project-based learning approach encourages students to integrate their knowledge, showcase their creativity, and demonstrate their understanding of renewable energy concepts in a real-world context. By immersing the students in critical thinking, data analysis, and problem-solving exercises, they are empowered to develop an action plan that encompasses the key elements of economic viability, ecological sustainability, and technological feasibility.
MethodsAnalysis of digital content
Further information: Curriculum Development
KeywordsEnglisch; Sprachenlernen; Computerunterstütztes Lernen; Digitales Lernen; Erneuerbare Energien; Nachhaltigkeit; Englischunterricht; Unterrichtsmaterial; Lernsoftware; E-Learning; Fremdsprachenerwerb; Umweltbildung; Umweltbewusstsein; Interkulturelles Lernen; Sprachkompetenz; Interkulturelle Kompetenz; Blended Learning; English; Foreign Language; Language Learning; Computer-assisted Learning; Digital Learning; Renewable Energies; Sustainability; English Lessons; Teaching Material; Learning Software; E-Learning; Environmental Education; Environmental Consciousness; Intercultural Learning; Language Competence; Intercultural Competence; Blended Learning
Thematic ClassificationFremdsprachendidaktik
GeolocationCountry: Germany; United States of America
NotesThe latest version of this online course on Moodle has undergone significant modifications due to copyright reasons and the need to respect third party rights. As a result, certain materials such as cartoons, pictures, documents and other multimedia elements have been removed from the course. Nevertheless, the project team has strived to maintain the core educational content and learning objectives of the course.
Publication Year2023
Published byMedien- und Informationszentrum, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
Superordinate Data Collection Teach About U.S. Moodle Course
Related Resources Relations of the dataset
Files in This Item:
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MD5: 1291f130169e183470dea13448c15e6a

Moodle file

48.05 MB


Power_to_the_People - Teaching_Notes.pdf
MD5: d31546046f703c1cb0da9f296de5c246

Overview of the course content and structure.

4.06 MB

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Power_to_the_People - Moodle_Platform_Overview.pdf
MD5: a93b7681920fd04c667c73ea553ae529

Designed to help teachers navigate the Moodle platform online.

2.65 MB

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