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Original TitleCare4Care outcome data 2024
Kinds of DataSurvey Data
Logfiles / Usage Data / Protocols
Resource TypeDataset
CreatorBoß, Leif  0000-0001-9012-0839 (Institute of Sustainability Psychology (ISP), Leuphana Universität Lüneburg  02w2y2t16)
Ross, Jennifer (Berliner Hochschule für Technik  00w7whj55)
Reis, Dorota  0000-0002-0027-9713 (Universität des Saarlandes  01jdpyv68)
Pischel, Sarah  0000-0001-8949-0488 (Helmut-Schmidt-Universität  04e8jbs38)
Mallwitz, Tim  0000-0002-2558-9603 (Technische Hochschule Lübeck  032xqbj11)
Brückner, Hanna Amira  0009-0003-4406-7872 (Institute of Sustainability Psychology (ISP), Leuphana Universität Lüneburg  02w2y2t16)
Tanner, Grit (Berliner Hochschule für Technik  00w7whj55)
Nissen, Helge (Technische Hochschule Lübeck  032xqbj11)
Kalon, Lina (Institute of Sustainability Psychology (ISP), Leuphana Universität Lüneburg  02w2y2t16)
Schümann, Marlies (Berliner Hochschule für Technik  00w7whj55)
Lennefer, Thomas
Janneck, Monique  0000-0003-4269-009X (Technische Hochschule Lübeck  032xqbj11)
Felfe, Jörg  0000-0003-0634-6232  123496853 (Helmut-Schmidt-Universität  04e8jbs38)
Ducki, Antje  0009-0005-4475-0588 (Berliner Hochschule für Technik  00w7whj55)
Lehr, Dirk  0000-0002-5560-3605 (Institute of Sustainability Psychology (ISP), Leuphana Universität Lüneburg  02w2y2t16)
Description of the DatasetThe dataset is the result of a cluster-randomized controlled trial as part of the project Care4Care. Following an integrated approach, the research group developed an occupational e-mental health platform, Care4Care, which integrates both work-directed and person-directed interventions for promoting mental health in nurses. They evaluated the effects of the platform compared with those of an extended care-as-usual control condition. 357 nurses and professional carers (intervention: 211, control: 136) from 33 healthcare service facilities have been investigated. The participants received either immediate access to the platform or access to two short subcomponents of the platform plus routine occupational health promotion offerings as well as delayed access to the whole platform after six months. The primary outcome was improvement in the psychosocial safety climate after six months. The secondary outcomes included perceived stress, depressive symptoms, and other strain-related indicators. The results indicate: Bayesian multilevel analyses revealed a meaningful improvement in the psychosocial safety climate in the intervention group compared with the control group (Median = 2.04 [95% CrI: -0.32 to 4.44], Cohen's d = 0.25]. The analysis showed that the intervention was superior with a probability of 95.4%. In addition, analyses of the secondary outcomes revealed a probability of 99.3% for a superior effect of the intervention compared with the control on perceived stress and lower probabilities (83.5% to 91.6%) for effects on cognitive and emotional strain, self-care, and depression. No meaningful effects on presenteeism, absenteeism, reward, effort, vigour or job satisfaction were found. A total of 85 (40%) participants in the intervention group used Care4Care, whereas 37 (27%) participants in the control group used the two subcomponents of the platform.
MethodsComputer-assisted questionnaire
KeywordsPflegepersonal; Beruf; Gesundheitswesen; Arbeitsgesundheit; Gesundheitsförderung; Mentale Gesundheit; Digitale Gesundheit; Intervention; Onlineplattform; Wirksamkeit; Arbeitsumfeld; Psychosoziale Faktoren; Stress; Psychische Erkrankung; Nurse; Healthcare Professional; Occupation; Healthcare; Occupational Health; Health Promotion; Mental Health; Digital Health; Intervention; Online Platform; Efficiency; Work Environment; Psychosocial Factors; Stress; Mental Disorder
Thematic ClassificationDigital Health
GeolocationCountry: Germany
Region/Location: Bundesweit
NotesOutcome data of variables as defined and pre-registered in the German Clinical Trials. Register:
Publication Year2024
Published byMedien- und Informationszentrum, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
Superordinate Data Collection Data Care4Care 2024
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