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TitelDevelopment of process to remove oligomers and suppress their formation in aging fuels by adsorbing the precursors of their aging procedure using adsorbents
Autor*inKpan, Jerome Desire Aliebakaa  0000-0001-8260-2301  1305992946
Gutachter*inRuck, Wolfgang K. L.  0000-0002-5715-0507  1051421330
Krahl, Jürgen  0000-0003-4641-7744  1019170220
Opel, Oliver  0000-0003-2229-6802  137211813
Betreuer*inRuck, Wolfgang K. L.  0000-0002-5715-0507  1051421330
AbstractThe research described in this dissertation focuses on developing a process to remove oligomers and suppress their formation by intercepting the aging procedure's precursors using adsorbents when biodiesel and its blends are used as fuel. So far, there has been no attempt to cause the stabilization of biodiesel and its blends using adsorbents from open literature. This investigation is one of the first studies on the use of adsorbents to mitigate biodiesel and diesel fuel's stability behavior–biodiesel blends and the removal of oligomers or suppressing the formation of high molecular mass species in aging oil. This study's primary aim has been achieved by several experimental measurements that provided results on adsorbents' effecton fuel oxidative stability, especially ester-based fuel like biodiesel and its blends. The chemical composition and some critical rheological analyses of the samples have been measured to understand their role in the oxidation of the sample by comparing the presence and absence of the adsorbents during the aging process. Furthermore, it aims to use adsorbents to suppress oligomers' formation and remove them in aging oil due to the influence of biodiesel and its blends. The research project also seeks to stabilize fuel, especially ester-based fuel like biodiesel, and its blends using the adsorbents. The adsorbents' application will enhance biodiesel's oxidative stability and its blends during long-term storage or application, focusing on its use in plug-in hybrid vehicles, emergency power plants,and generators. The combustion engine only starts in plug-in hybrid vehicles if the battery cannot supply energy on longer journeys. As a result, the fuel remains longer in plug-in hybrid vehicles. Fuels that are exposed to heat and oxygen over anextendedperiod can form aging products. These aging products lead to the formation of deposits, especially in the case of diesel fuels mixed with biodiesel content,and can, therefore, endanger the operational safety of the vehicle in critical components such as injectors or filter units.
Datum der Disputation2023-08-23
Jahr der Veröffentlichung in PubData2023
Art der VeröffentlichungErstveröffentlichung
Datum der Erstveröffentlichung2023-10-13
Grad-verleihende InstitutionLeuphana Universität Lüneburg
Veröffentlicht durchMedien- und Informationszentrum, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
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