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OriginaltitelCoding, Coding Set, and Document List: Systematic Literature Review Data for the PhD Thesis "More than trees”
Datenart / TypStatistische Auswertungen / Tabellen
Bibliografie / Quellenverzeichnis
Kontext- / Begleitmaterialien
Weitere Angaben: Codings; Coding Sets
Autor* in / Erzeuger* inIsaac, Roman  0000-0002-0007-7433 (Social-ecological Systems Institute (SESI), Leuphana Universität Lüneburg  02w2y2t16)
Martín-López, Berta  0000-0003-2622-0135 (Social-ecological Systems Institute (SESI), Leuphana Universität Lüneburg  02w2y2t16)
Beschreibung des DatensatzesThe research group conducted a systematic literature review on peer-reviewed publications dealing with the governance of co-produced nature's contributions to people (NCP) and ecosystem services. The researchers used two search strings. The first search string covered NCP and ecosystem services co-production literature and returned 384 publications. When assessing the abstracts the researchers found that 170 papers potentially included NCP co-production. This narrowed down to 25 publications that explicitly (i.e. stated by authors) or implicitly (i.e. not stated by authors but covered in the paper) referred to NCP co-production when assessing the full-text. The second search string covered ecosystem services governance. This search string resulted in 157 publications covering empirical cases of ecosystem services governance. Of these 21 were found to deal with NCP co-production. The researchers found one duplicate in both searches resulting in 45 publications used within the full text review. The researchers followed a deductive coding scheme to assess the publications. This data set presents the coding set, the publication list and the coding.
Angewandte MethodenInhaltscodierung
Auswertung und/oder Arbeit mit Textdokumenten
SchlagwörterSystematic Review; Steuerungsprozesse; Ökosystem; Dienstleistung; Natürlicher Einfluss; Wald; Koproduktion; Systematic Review; Governance; Ecosystem; Service Provision; Nature's Contribution; Forest; Co-production
Thematische EinordnungMensch-Natur-Beziehung
Untersuchungsgebiet (Geo)Keine Informationen vorhanden
Veröffentlicht durchMedien- und Informationszentrum, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
Übergeordneter Datenbestand Data PhD Isaac
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