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Original TitleReady biodegradability data of ionic liquids, OECD 301D (Closed Bottle Test), 2024, V1
Kinds of DataLaboratory Results
Resource TypeDataset
CreatorAmsel, Ann-Kathrin  0000-0003-1097-4063 (Institut für Nachhaltige Chemie (INSC), Leuphana Universität Lüneburg  02w2y2t16)
Olsson, Oliver  0000-0003-0082-1442 (Institut für Nachhaltige Chemie (INSC), Leuphana Universität Lüneburg  02w2y2t16)
Kümmerer, Klaus  0000-0003-2027-6488  118066382 (Institut für Nachhaltige Chemie (INSC), Leuphana Universität Lüneburg  02w2y2t16)
Description of the DatasetThe data set contains biodegradability data according to OECD 301D (Closed Bottle Test) for ionic liquids. Two data sources were used to compile OECD 301D data: (a) data from the Leuphana Institute of Sustainable Chemistry (INSC) in-house biodegradation experiments and (b) literature data. The literature data and the INSC in-house data was combined. Two data sets were compiled: set IL contains just ionic liquids and set ILNI contains ionic liquids and non-ionic compounds. Duplicates were combined to one ionic liquid by calculating the mean biodegradation rate. Negative biodegradation rates were zeroed. In case several tests per substance were conducted, the mean value was calculated. The biodegradability data was classified in red: 0–19%, amber: 20–59%, green: ≥60%.
MethodsExperiment (Laboratory)
Analysis of text documents
KeywordsBiologische Abbaubarkeit; Experiment; Test; Nachhaltige Chemie; Ionische Flüssigkeiten; Salze; Grüne Chemie; Messung; Biodegradability; Experiment; Test; Sustainable Chemistry; Ionic Liquids; Salts; Green Chemistry; Assessment
Thematic ClassificationGreen Chemistry
Faculty / departmentFakultät Nachhaltigkeit
Language of the ResourceEnglish
GeolocationCountry: Germany
Region/Location: Lüneburg
Time Period of the Creation of the Dataset2022 - 2024
Date of Availability2024-02-19T13:21:18Z
Date of issue2024-02-19
Archiving Facility Medien- und Informationszentrum (Leuphana Universität Lüneburg  02w2y2t16)
Publication Year2024
Published byMedien- und Informationszentrum, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
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OECD 301D_ ionic liquids_literature_INSC.xlsx
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49.79 kB

Microsoft Excel XML
Superordinate Data Collection: INSC - Biodegradability
Academic DisciplineNatural Sciences / Biological Chemistry and Foof Chemistry
Sustainable Chemistry
Project LeaderKümmerer, Klaus  0000-0003-2027-6488  118066382 (Institut für Nachhaltige Chemie (INSC), Leuphana Universität Lüneburg  02w2y2t16)
Olsson, Oliver  0000-0003-0082-1442 (Institut für Nachhaltige Chemie (INSC), Leuphana Universität Lüneburg  02w2y2t16)
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