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Resource typeMaster Thesis
Title(s)Framing the instrumentalization of culture to achieve Western development: The case of the Commission of Culture and Heritage of Peru, Period 2016-2017.
CreatorRomán Aquino, Katherine Annlise  0000-0002-1499-4195
Study programmeArts and Cultural Managemen
RefereeHenze, Raphaela  0000-0001-6257-6871  128900695
Mitrovic Pease, Alejandro Mijail  0000-0002-9232-5472
AbstractConsidering the historical relationship of subordination from the Global South countries to the Global North countries, this research aims to understand how culture is instrumentalized in the Peruvian political arena looking to achieve Western development standards. By focusing on the Commission of Culture and Heritage of the Congress of Peru, period 2016-2017, as its case study, it will do a discourse analysis to try to find the spheres in which developmental ideology is produced and reproduced. Those findings will be later discussed under decolonial thought and dependency theories.
KeywordsKulturpolitik; Kulturelles Erbe; Peru
Date of defense2023-04-27
Year of publication in PubData2024
Publishing typeFirst publication
Date issued2024-01-10
Creation contextStudy
NotesMasterarbeit (Master of Arts) im weiterbildenden Studiengang "Arts and Cultural Management" an der Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, 2023
Granting InstitutionLeuphana Universität Lüneburg
Published byMedien- und Informationszentrum, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
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