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Element | Wert |
Originaltitel | Eberswalde Carabid Abundances 1999-2021 |
DOI | 10.48548/pubdata-11 |
Handle | 20.500.14123/18 |
Datenart / Typ | Messdaten |
Ressourcentyp | Datensatz |
Autor* in / Erzeuger* in | Linde, Andreas 0000-0002-0154-7943 (Applied Ecology and Zoology, Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development 01ge5zt06) Weiss, Fabio 0000-0003-1078-1528 (Biosphere Reserves Institute, Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development / Institut für Ökologie, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg) |
Beschreibung des Datensatzes | Ground beetles were caught from 1999 to 2021, between the beginning of May and the end of July each year on forest plots near Eberswalde, Germany (52.820000, 13.790000). Not all plots were sampled each year. The dataset included only data of plots, which were sampled in three years or more. The researchers used pitfall traps consisting of a 400ml honey jars positioned in a pipe, formaldehyde as trapping fluid and metal roofs. There were four pitfall traps at each plot, usually organized in a square with approximately 20 meters between the traps. The traps were emptied three times each year (variable “interval”). The emptying usually took place after four weeks (28 days), however, the sampling length occasionally varied (variable “sampling_length”). Ground beetle abundances were pooled for all four traps of one plot for each catching interval (variable “abundance”). |
Angewandte Methoden | Sonstige Weitere Angaben: Insektenfallen |
Schlagwörter | Laufkäfer; Käfer; Insekten; Vorkommen; Wald; Insektenmonitoring; Biodiversität; Insektenrückgang; Zeitreihe; Carabids; Ground Beetles; Insects; Abundance; Forest; Insect Monitoring; Biodiversity; Insect Decline; Time Series |
Thematische Einordnung | Biodiversität |
Fakultät / Abteilung | Fakultät Nachhaltigkeit |
Sprache der Ressource | Englisch |
Untersuchungsgebiet (Geo) | Land: Deutschland Region/Ort: Eberswalde, Brandenburg |
Geokoordinaten | Punkt im Raum: Breitengrad: 52.820000 Längengrad: 13.790000 |
Entstehungszeitraum des Datensatzes | 1999 - 2022 |
Erhebungszeitraum des Datensatzes | 1999 - 2021 |
Anmerkungen zum Datensatz | Data was collected in the course of teaching activities at Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development. |
Verfügbar ab / seit | 2022-07-14T07:40:20Z |
Datum der Bereitstellung im Katalog | 2022-07-14 |
Archivierende Einrichtung | Medien- und Informationszentrum (Leuphana Universität Lüneburg 02w2y2t16) |
Publikationsjahr | 2022 |
Veröffentlicht durch | Medien- und Informationszentrum, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg |
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Dateien zu dieser Ressource:
Datei | Beschreibung | Größe | Format | |
Eberswalde_carabid_abundances_1999-2021.csv Lizenz: open-access | 12.16 kB | CSV | Öffnen/Anzeigen | |
README_Eberswalde_carabid_abundances_1999-2021.txt Lizenz: open-access | Readme file to Eberswalde_carabid_abundances_1999-2021: Description of the variables | 2.01 kB | Text | Öffnen/Anzeigen |
Übergeordneter Datenbestand: Daten PhD Weiss
Element | Wert |
Wissenschaftsdisziplin | Lebenswissenschaften / Zoologie / Ökologie und Biodiversität der Tiere und Ökosysteme, Organismische Interaktionen |
Zugehöriges Projekt | Investigating long-term trends and their drivers in epigeal forest insect communities: A reassessment of ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in lowland beech forests of the Schorfheide-Chorin Biosphere Reserve |
Beteiligte Forschende | Weiss, Fabio 0000-0003-1078-1528 ( Biosphere Reserves Institute, Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development / Institut für Ökologie, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg) Linde, Andreas 0000-0002-0154-7943 (Applied Ecology and Zoology, Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development 01ge5zt06) Wehrden, Henrik von 0000-0003-2087-5552 (Institut für Ökologie, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg 02w2y2t16) |
Gefördert / finanziert von | Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kultur (MWFK) Brandenburg |
Kontaktinformation |; |
Forschungsdesign | This research project aims to investigate long-term population dynamics and trends in carabids with a special focus on the lowland beech forests of Schorfheide-Chorin Biosphere Reserve. The researchers work with continuous fine-scale time series data as well as with a larger-scale repeated survey. Other aspects of the project focus on the improvement of methods used to investigate trends in insect populations. |
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