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Resource typeHabilitation
Title(s)The Electric Guitar in Rock Music
Subtitle(s)Guitar Playing, Technology, and Culture
CreatorHerbst, Jan-Peter  0000-0001-7453-0141
RefereeSchoop, Monika  1136044485
von Appen, Ralf  0000-0001-8850-5617
Doehring, André  0000-0001-7320-3050
AdvisorAhlers, Michael  0000-0002-2678-9236
AbstractThis research examines the role and practices of the electric guitar in rock music in terms of playing styles and techniques, technologies, and various relevant cultures. With a portfolio of three books, four articles, and three chapters, the research analyses the affordances and limitations of harmonic distortion for solo and rhythm guitar playing in rock music from its beginnings to contemporary practices, with a particular focus on virtuosity and ‘shredding’—the (often) ostentatious display of technical prowess. Concerning technology, the research explores the musical, sociological, and psychological dimensions of equipment choice and acquisition (including the so-called ‘gear acquisition syndrome’), advances in guitar and amplification technologies, and the creation of an effective and expressive guitar sound in record production. Finally, the research documents how playing practices and equipment use are negotiated in mainstream and niche cultures, focusing on more recent scenes prevalent on the internet. The portfolio, as a whole, fills significant gaps in current (electric) guitar scholarship by examining topics relevant to practising guitarists from a musicological perspective, as opposed to 1) common approaches in popular/cultural studies that tend to ignore issues of playing and technologies in favour of issues related to identity, society, and the environment, and 2) computer science and engineering approaches that quantify the material reality of the instrument with little regard to playing and guitar culture.
KeywordsElectric guitar; Distortion; Rock music; Performance; Music technology; Music equipment
Date of defense2025-01-29
Year of publication in PubData2025
Publishing typeFirst publication
Date issued2025-02-27
Creation contextResearch
Granting InstitutionLeuphana Universität Lüneburg
Published byMedien- und Informationszentrum, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
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