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Originaltitel | Daten zur Dissertation "Reasons or Principles: What makes for a better decision?" |
Handle | 20.500.14123/1622 |
Datenart / Typ | Umfragedaten Messdaten Statistische Auswertungen / Tabellen Programme und Anwendungen Modelle / Modellierungen Erhebungs- / Messinstrumente Kontext- / Begleitmaterialien |
Ressourcentyp | Datensatz |
Autor* in / Erzeuger* in | Botros, Christina |
Beschreibung des Datensatzes | The dataset contains the essential data for the empirical part of the dissertation "Reasons or Principles: What makes for a better decision?". This empirical part consists of three investigations: the pilot study, questionnaires and experiments. The pilot study explored the empirical feasibility of the research project and set the stage. The questionnaire projects constructed and validated three questionnaires: the Strategy Satisfaction Questionnaire (SSQ), the Decision Style Questionnaire (DSQ), and the Decision Categorization Scales (DCSs).The last study was devoted to the question whether it is using reasons or principles for decision making that leads to greater satisfacition. Three experiments are reported, two used a well-researched paradigm (the Trolley paradigm, the MADM paradigm), and one was a field experiment. |
Angewandte Methoden | Computerbasierte Fragebogenerhebung Experiment (Webbasiert) |
Schlagwörter | Entscheidung; Entscheidungsfindung; Strategie; Psychologie; Abwägung; Argumentation; Glück; Zufriedenheit; Moral; Decision; Decision Making; Strategy; Psychology; Deliberation; Reasoning; Happiness; Satisfaction; Moral |
Thematische Einordnung | Entscheidungspsychologie |
Untersuchungsgebiet (Geo) | Land: Deutschland |
Veröffentlicht durch | Medien- und Informationszentrum, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg |
Übergeordneter Datenbestand | |
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