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Original TitleOccurences of Notiophilus quadripunctatus in Central Europe
Kinds of DataObservation Data
Resource TypeDataset
CreatorBoutaud, Estève  0000-0001-9997-2165 (Institut für Ökologie (IE), Leuphana Universität Lüneburg  02w2y2t16)
Description of the DatasetRecord of occurrence of the species Notiophilus quadripunctatus in Central Europe were compiled by analyzing the literature, the internet-based database of ColeoWeb, the verifiable records from,,,, and and our own findings from the Lüneburg Heath nature reserve. In addition, the researchers determined the wing development of the specimens found in the Lüneburg Heath nature reserve as this is a key parameter connected with the dispersal of the species.
MethodsObservation (Field)
Compilation / Synthesis
KeywordsLaufkäfer; Käfer; Insekten; Vorkommen; Insektenmonitoring; Biodiversität; Insektenrückgang; Carabids; Ground Beetles; Insects; Abundance; Insect Monitoring; Biodiversity; Insect Decline
Thematic ClassificationBiodiversität
GeolocationCountry: Germany; Belgium; France; Netherlands; Luxembourg
Published byMedien- und Informationszentrum, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
Superordinate Data Collection Data PhD Boutaud
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