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Resource typeWorking Paper
Title(s)The Private and Public Insurance Value of Conservative Biodiversity Management
CreatorBaumgärtner, Stefan  0000-0001-8314-8462  121846857
Quaas, Martin F.  0000-0003-0812-8829
AbstractAbstract. The ecological literature suggests that biodiversity reduces the variance of ecosystem services. Thus, conservative biodiversity management has an insurance value to risk-averse users of ecosystem services. We analyze a conceptual ecological-economic model in which such management measures generate a private benefit and, via ecosystem processes at higher hierarchical levels, a positive externality on other ecosystem users. We find that ecosystem management and environmental policy depend on the extent of uncertainty and risk-aversion as follows: (i) Individual effort to improve ecosystem quality unambiguously increases. The free-rider problem may decrease or increase, depending on the characteristics of the ecosystem and its management; in particular, (ii) the size of the externality may decrease or increase, depending on how individual and aggregate management effort influence biodiversity; and (iii) the welfare loss due to free-riding may decrease or increase, depending on how biodiversity influences ecosystem service provision.
KeywordsBiodiversity; Ecosystem; Management; Insurance; Public Good; Ökosystem; Versicherung; Haftpflichtrisiko; Öffentliches Gut
Year of publication in PubData2006
Publishing typeFirst publication
Publication versionPublished version
Date issued2006-11-22
Creation contextResearch
Published byMedien- und Informationszentrum, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
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