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Resource typeWorking Paper
Title(s)Converging institutions: Shaping the relationships between nanotechnologies, economy and society
CreatorOtt, Ingrid  136759203
Papilloud, Christian
AbstractThis paper develops the concept of converging institutions and applies it to nanotechnologies. Starting point are economic and sociological perspectives. We focus on the entire innovation process of nanotechnologies beginning with research and development over di_usion via downstream sectors until implementation in final goods. The concept is applied to the nano–cluster in the metropolitan region of Grenoble and a possible converging institution is identified.
KeywordsConvergence; Nanotechnologies; Risk; Konvergenz; Risiko; Nanotechnologie
Year of publication in PubData2006
Publishing typeFirst publication
Publication versionPublished version
Date issued2006-11-22
Creation contextResearch
Published byMedien- und Informationszentrum, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
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