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OriginaltitelMaterialien und Daten zum Research Paper "Can we trust a chatbot like a physician? A qualitative study on understanding the emergence of trust toward diagnostic chatbots"
Datenart / TypInterviewdaten
Statistische Auswertungen / Tabellen
Erhebungs- / Messinstrumente
Autor* in / Erzeuger* inSeitz, Lennart  0000-0003-0070-0309 (Institut für Management & Organisation (IMO), Leuphana Universität Lüneburg  02w2y2t16)
Beschreibung des DatensatzesThe dataset contains data and materials that have been created and collected as empirical basis for the first paper "Can we trust a chatbot like a physician? A qualitative study on understanding the emergence of trust toward diagnostic chatbots" of the cumulative dissertation "Social Actor or Technology? Experimental Studies on the Perception of Chatbots Versus Humans and Their Implications for Anthropomorphic Chatbot Design". The research group first conducted a laboratory experiment (Study 1) in which participants had to take the perspective of a patient suffering from symptoms that were described in a scenario. Afterwards, they either interacted with a diagnostic chatbot only or with an additional physician after they had received the preliminary assessment from the chatbot. Data was collected by semi-structured pre- and post-interaction interviews focusing on the process and drivers of trust development. The interview manuscripts were analyzed and coded both inductively and deductively following the "Summarizing Content Analysis" approach (Mayring, 2000; Mayring, 2014). As a follow-up, the research group verified the coding system in a larger online survey (Study 2) during the COVID-19 pandemic in which participants interacted with a chatbot that was able to assess an individual's risk of a Corona infection.
Angewandte MethodenInterview
Fragebogenerhebung (Papier)
Experiment (Labor)
Auswertung und/oder Arbeit mit Textdokumenten
SchlagwörterKünstliche Intelligenz; Chatbot; Kommunikation; Mensch-Computer-Interaktion; Anthropomorphismus; Wahrnehmung; Gesundheit; Diagnostik; Telemedizin; Artificial Intelligence; Chatbot; Communication; Human-Computer-Interaction; Anthropomorphism; Perception; Health; Diagnosis; Telemedicine
Thematische EinordnungMensch-Computer-Interaktion
Sprache der RessourceDeutsch
Untersuchungsgebiet (Geo)Land: Deutschland
Region/Ort: Lüneburg
Entstehungszeitraum des Datensatzes2019-11 - 2020-03
Verfügbar ab / seit2024-06-17T10:32:43Z
Datum der Bereitstellung im Katalog2024-06-17
Archivierende Einrichtung Medien- und Informationszentrum (Leuphana Universität Lüneburg  02w2y2t16)
Veröffentlicht durchMedien- und Informationszentrum, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
  Zugehörige Ressourcen
Übergeordneter Datenbestand: Daten PhD Seitz
WissenschaftsdisziplinGeistes- und Sozialwissenschaften / Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Beteiligte ForschendeSeitz, Lennart  0000-0003-0070-0309 (Institut für Management & Organisation (IMO), Leuphana Universität Lüneburg  02w2y2t16)

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