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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 47 of 47
Collection, Dynamic / Interactive Web Resource, Image, Text
HyperImage Documentation of the Ebstorf World Map
Warnke, Martin
2023|Data Collection:HyperImage Warnke|DOI: 10.48548/pubdata-17This dataset contains the results of the research project "Ebstorfer Weltkarte" dealing with the web documentation and representation of one medieval world map found in the monastery Ebstorf. The dataset is generated and implemented by using the open source software HyperImage. The HyperImage software was developed to document the highly complex interlinked image and text material to facilitate the reconstruction of artworks. HyperImage implements the pictorial footnote on the image, meaning that precisely marked image details can be linked via hypertext with other image details, image collections and texts. The image details are intellectually identified and marked, i.e., by authors, not by programs.
Eberswalde Carabid Abundances 1999-2022
Linde, Andreas; Weiss, Fabio
2023|Data Collection:Daten PhD Weiss|DOI: 10.48548/pubdata-23Ground beetles were caught from 1999 to 2022, between the beginning of May and the end of July each year, on 13 forest plots within one forest site (with the extension of approximately 1x1km) close to Eberswalde, Germany (52.820000, 13.790000). Not all plots were sampled each year and the researchers only included data from plots, which were sampled in three years or more. They used pitfall traps consisting of a 400ml glass jars positioned in a piece of PVC pipe, formaldehyde as trapping fluid and metal roofs. There were four pitfall traps at each plot, organised as either square or transect with approximately 20 meters between the traps. The layout of traps (square or transect) remained consistent for each plot throughout all sampled years. During the sampling period the traps were emptied three times, usually after four weeks (28 days), however, the exact sampling length occasionally varied. Prior to data analysis, the researchers excluded all data from traps that had been disturbed by factors such as rain, wild animals or vandalism. Abundances represent the sum of all individuals of species belonging to the Carabidae family that were caught in one pitfall trap during one sampling interval. This is an updated version of the dataset Eberswalde Carabid Abundances 1999-2021 (DOI: 10.48548/pubdata-11). It includes additional data sampled in 2022. Sampling abundances are no longer pooled for all traps per plot but listed for each trap individually.
Audiovisual, Collection, Image, Dynamic / Interactive Web Resource, Text
HyperImage Documentation of Anna Oppermann's Artwork
Warnke, Martin; Wedemeyer, Carmen
2023|Data Collection:HyperImage Warnke|DOI: 10.48548/pubdata-3This dataset is the result of a documentary research project on Hamburg artist Anna Oppermann‘s artwork using the open source software HyperImage. The HyperImage software was developed to document the highly complex interlinked image and text material Anna Oppermann created in all its structural richness to facilitate the digital reconstruction of her artwork. HyperImage implements the pictorial footnote on the image, meaning that precisely marked image details can be linked via hypertext with other image details, image collections and texts. The image details are intellectually identified and marked, i.e., by authors, not by programs.The research has been started by Carmen Wedemeyer and Martin Warnke together with Anna Oppermann (1940-1993) herself, shortly before her death in 1993.
Text, Other
Bewertungsraster + Handreichung, Modul „Wissenschaft problematisiert: Kritisches Denken" | Grading Rubric + Checklist, Module "Problematising Knowledge: Critical Thinking“, Leuphana Semester 2021/22
Knorr, Dagmar; Edlich, Micha Gerrit Philipp; Picht-Wiggering, Laura
2022|Data Collection:Schreibzentrum / Writing Center: Bewertungsraster | Grading Rubrics|DOI: 10.48548/pubdata-12Instrument zur Bewertung studentischer Seminararbeiten im 1. Studienjahr, angepasst an die Lernziele im Modul "Wissenschaft problematisiert: Kritisches Denken".Grading rubric for term papers written by first-year students. This rubric reflects the educational goals for the module "Problematising Knowledge: Critical Thinking".
Eberswalde Carabid Abundances 1999-2021
Linde, Andreas; Weiss, Fabio
2022|Data Collection:Daten PhD Weiss|DOI: 10.48548/pubdata-11Ground beetles were caught from 1999 to 2021, between the beginning of May and the end of July each year on forest plots near Eberswalde, Germany (52.820000, 13.790000). Not all plots were sampled each year. The dataset included only data of plots, which were sampled in three years or more. The researchers used pitfall traps consisting of a 400ml honey jars positioned in a pipe, formaldehyde as trapping fluid and metal roofs. There were four pitfall traps at each plot, usually organized in a square with approximately 20 meters between the traps. The traps were emptied three times each year (variable “interval”). The emptying usually took place after four weeks (28 days), however, the sampling length occasionally varied (variable “sampling_length”). Ground beetle abundances were pooled for all four traps of one plot for each catching interval (variable “abundance”).
Umfragedaten Reparaturverhalten von Smartphones
Amend, Clara; Revellio, Ferdinand; Tenner, Isabell; Schaltegger, Stefan
2022|Data Collection:Daten MoDeSt|DOI: 10.48548/pubdata-10Online survey. Population of more than 50,000 smartphone users of a sustainability-pioneer manufacturing modular smartphones. In total, 3,801 subscribers and followers responded to the survey. The survey data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, binary logistic regression models, and multiple linear regression models.
Ecosystem Service Production and Flows in Gera, Gumay, and Setema Woreda, Ethiopia
Brück, Maria; Duguma, Dula Wakassa; Law, Elizabeth; Abson, David J.; Fischer, Jörn; Schultner, Jannik
2022|Data Collection:Daten PhD Brück|DOI: 10.48548/pubdata-6Der Datensatz beinhaltet statistische Angaben und aggregierte Daten zur Produktion und zu Warenflüssen von Ökosystemdienstleistungen in den drei äthiopischen Woredas (Distrikten) Gera, Gumay und Setema und den zugehörigen Kebeles (kleinste Verwaltungsbezirke). Die Daten wurden aus diversen Quellen wie offiziellen Statistiken (u.a. Census Data 2007, Woreda Reports aus den Jahren 2019 und 2020) sowie über Experteninterviews bezogen, zusammengestellt und mit beigelegtem Code analysiert. Weitere Daten zu den Kebeles (Höhe, Wohlstand, Abgeschiedenheit, Größe, Landnutzung nach zwölf Kategorien) wurden, u.a. durch Remote Sensing Techniken, berechnet und zusammengetragen.The dataset includes statistical information and aggregated data on ecosystem services production and flows in three Ethiopian woredas (districts Gera, Gumay and Setema) and their associated kebeles (smallest administrative units). Data were obtained from diverse sources such as official statistics (including Census Data 2007, Woreda Reports from 2019 and 2020) and via expert interviews, compiled and analyzed with attached code. Additional data on the kebeles (altitude, wealth, remoteness, size, land cover and use by twelve categories) were calculated and compiled, inter alia through remote sensing techniques.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 47 of 47
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