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Care4Care outcome data 2024
Boß, Leif; Ross, Jennifer; Reis, Dorota; Pischel, Sarah; Mallwitz, Tim; Brückner, Hanna Amira; Tanner, Grit; Nissen, Helge; Kalon, Lina; Schümann, Marlies; Lennefer, Thomas; Janneck, Monique; Felfe, Jörg; Ducki, Antje; Lehr, Dirk
2024|Data Collection:Data Care4Care 2024|DOI: 10.48548/pubdata-1371The dataset is the result of a cluster-randomized controlled trial as part of the project Care4Care. Following an integrated approach, the research group developed an occupational e-mental health platform, Care4Care, which integrates both work-directed and person-directed interventions for promoting mental health in nurses. They evaluated the effects of the platform compared with those of an extended care-as-usual control condition. 357 nurses and professional carers (intervention: 211, control: 136) from 33 healthcare service facilities have been investigated. The participants received either immediate access to the platform or access to two short subcomponents of the platform plus routine occupational health promotion offerings as well as delayed access to the whole platform after six months. The primary outcome was improvement in the psychosocial safety climate after six months. The secondary outcomes included perceived stress, depressive symptoms, and other strain-related indicators. The results indicate: Bayesian multilevel analyses revealed a meaningful improvement in the psychosocial safety climate in the intervention group compared with the control group (Median = 2.04 [95% CrI: -0.32 to 4.44], Cohen's d = 0.25]. The analysis showed that the intervention was superior with a probability of 95.4%. In addition, analyses of the secondary outcomes revealed a probability of 99.3% for a superior effect of the intervention compared with the control on perceived stress and lower probabilities (83.5% to 91.6%) for effects on cognitive and emotional strain, self-care, and depression. No meaningful effects on presenteeism, absenteeism, reward, effort, vigour or job satisfaction were found. A total of 85 (40%) participants in the intervention group used Care4Care, whereas 37 (27%) participants in the control group used the two subcomponents of the platform.
My Writing Consultation Competency: A Self-Assessment Tool
Knorr, Dagmar; Edlich, Micha Gerrit Philipp
2024|Data Collection:Schreibzentrum / Writing Center: Reflexionsinstrumente | Reflection Toolkit|DOI: 10.48548/pubdata-238Der Fragebogen soll es Schreibberaterinnen und Schreibberatern ermöglichen, ihre Schreibberatungskompetenz zu reflektieren. Schreibberatende greifen während eines Beratungsgespräch auf vielfältiges Wissen zurück, das in dem Fragebogen systematisch behandelt wird. Ziel dieses Fragebogens ist es, Schreibberatenden die Möglichkeit zu geben, sich mit den verschiedenen Anforderungen systematisch auseinanderzusetzen. Auf diese Weise soll ein Beitrag zur (Weiter-)Entwicklung der Schreibberatungskompetenz geleistet werden. In schreibdidaktischen Einrichtungen kann das Instrument genutzt werden, um bspw. Schreibberatungsausbildungen auf Schwerpunktsetzungen hin zu prüfen oder um es als Organisationsentwicklungsinstrument zu nutzen.
Meine Schreibberatungskompetenz. Selbsteinschätzungsbogen
Knorr, Dagmar
2024|Data Collection:Schreibzentrum / Writing Center: Reflexionsinstrumente | Reflection Toolkit|DOI: 10.48548/pubdata-232Der Fragebogen soll es Schreibberaterinnen und Schreibberatern ermöglichen, ihre Schreibberatungskompetenz zu reflektieren. Schreibberatende greifen während eines Beratungsgespräch auf vielfältiges Wissen zurück, das in dem Fragebogen systematisch behandelt wird. Ziel dieses Fragebogens ist es, Schreibberatenden die Möglichkeit zu geben, sich mit den verschiedenen Anforderungen systematisch auseinanderzusetzen. Auf diese Weise soll ein Beitrag zur (Weiter-)Entwicklung der Schreibberatungskompetenz geleistet werden. In schreibdidaktischen Einrichtungen kann das Instrument genutzt werden, um bspw. Schreibberatungsausbildungen auf Schwerpunktsetzungen hin zu prüfen oder um es als Organisationsentwicklungsinstrument zu nutzen.
Water governance and sustainability outcomes: dataset from systematic review of 165 empirical water governance research articles
Bilalova, Shahana; Newig, Jens; Villamayor-Tomas, Sergio
2024|Data Collection:Data PhD Bilalova|DOI: 10.48548/pubdata-235Coding data from the systematic literature review of 165 studies (223 cases), encompassing the years of 1985 - 2020. The coding scheme covers six categories: bibliographic information, research framework, research design, case-related information, the characteristics of the water-related context and water governance, and sustainability outcomes.
Pathways to water-related sustainability: case survey data from 40 empirical water governance studies, complemented by expert surveys and additional case-based literature
Bilalova, Shahana; Jager, Nicolas W.; Newig, Jens; Villamayor-Tomas, Sergio
2024|Data Collection:Data PhD Bilalova|DOI: 10.48548/pubdata-236Data from the case survey of 40 cases from empirical water governance studies, supplemented with expert survey and secondary data coding. The coded variables are Capacity (CAP), Fit (FIT) from the aggregation of Temporal fit, Spatial fit, and Functional fit, Interplay (INTER) from the aggregation of Vertical interplay and Horizontal interplay, Decentralization (DEC), Participation (PART), Adaptiveness/knowledge integration (ADAPT) from the aggregation of Flexibility, Use of evidence, and Knowledge integration, Problématique 1: Groundwater exploitation for agriculture (P1), and Sustainability outcome (OUT).
My Scientific Writing Competency: A Self-Assessment Tool
Knorr, Dagmar; Edlich, Micha Gerrit Philipp
2024|Data Collection:Schreibzentrum / Writing Center: Reflexionsinstrumente | Reflection Toolkit|DOI: 10.48548/pubdata-226This questionnaire is part of a collection of different reflection tools that were developed in the Writing Center of Leuphana University Lüneburg. The aim of this self-assessment questionnaire is to visualise the diverse requirements of scientific writing. It is aimed at people who write academically. The questionnaire covers the following areas: Dealing with the Writing Process, Reading, Developing Ideas and Questions, Drafting your text, Genre, Citations and Reference, Creating your Argument, Use of Language, Media, AI and Writing, Organising the Process. Statements are presented for each area, which are to be assessed using Likert scales. In addition, free text fields are provided for writing down further thoughts. On the one hand, the questionnaires serve to reflect on individual competencies and, on the other, they can be used as instruments for organisational development.
Meine wissenschaftliche Schreibkompetenz. Selbsteinschätzungsbogen
Knorr, Dagmar
2024|Data Collection:Schreibzentrum / Writing Center: Reflexionsinstrumente | Reflection Toolkit|DOI: 10.48548/pubdata-225Dieser Fragebogen gehört zu einer Sammlung verschiedener Reflexionsinstrumente, die im Schreibzentrum der Leuphana Universität Lüneburg entwickelt wurden. Ziel dieses Selbsteinschätzungsbogens ist es, die vielfältigen Anforderungen beim wissenschaftlichen Schreiben sichtbar zu machen. Zielgruppe sind Personen, die wissenschaftlich schreiben. Der Fragebogen umfasst Fragen zu folgenden Anforderungsbereichen: Zum Umgang mit dem Prozess des Schreibens, Lesen, Ideen und Fragestellung entwickeln, Text formulieren, Textformen, Zitation und Intertextualität, Argumentieren, Sprachen, Medien, KI und Schreiben sowie Prozessorganisation. Zu jedem Bereich werden Aussagen präsentiert, die über Likert-Skalen bewertet werden sollen. Zusätzlich sind Freitextfelder vorgesehen, um weitere Gedanken niederschreiben zu können. Die Fragebögen dienen zum einen der Reflexion der individuellen Kompetenzen, zum anderen können sie als Instrumente zur Organisationsentwicklung eingesetzt werden.
Fieldwork Protocol: Effects of land management on the Supply and Distribution of ecosystem services (ESuDis)
Isaac, Roman; Kachler, Jana; Martín-López, Berta; Felipe-Lucia, María
2024|Data Collection:Data for the project Effects of land management on the Supply and Distribution of ecosystem services|DOI: 10.48548/pubdata-218The project "Effects of land management on the Supply and Distribution of ecosystem services" (ESuDis) seeks to better understand the interplay of natural and anthropogenic capitals in the co-production of nature's contributions to people (NCP), including ecosystem services. In this protocol, the authors report on the project aims, the research design and methods employed during fieldwork. The protocol provides documentation and information about the 39 semi-structured interviews with foresters and conservation managers serving as basis for a social network analysis with a focus on the description of the case study sites, the selection of the respondents, the research design (rankings and interviews), the collection and the processing of the data. The interviews were conducted across three case study sites in Germany: Schorfheide-Chorin in the Northeast, Hainich-Dün in the Centre, and Schwäbische Alb in the Southwest. All three case study sites belong to the large-scale and long-term research platform Biodiversity Exploratories. The protocol is supplemented by a short definition part, a map (case study sites), the consent form and the interview design, i.e. the ranking and the interview guide.
Coding Set: Social Network Analysis Data for the PhD Thesis "More than trees"
Isaac, Roman; Martín-López, Berta
2024|Data Collection:Data PhD Isaac|DOI: 10.48548/pubdata-217To identify relevant actors for the governance of co-produced forest nature's contributions to people (NCP) the researchers conducted a social-network analysis based on 39 semi-structured interviews with foresters and conservation managers. These interviews were conducted across three case study sites in Germany: Schorfheide-Chorin in the Northeast, Hainich-Dün in the Centre, and Schwäbische Alb in the Southwest. All three case study sites belong to the large-scale and long-term research platform Biodiversity Exploratories. The researchers employed a predefined coding set to analyse the interviews and grasp the relationships between different actors based on the anthropogenic capitals they used to co-produce forest nature's contributions to people (NCP). To secure the interviewees anonymity this coding cannot be published. Therefore, this data set is limited to this coding set.
Coding, Coding Set, and Policy Overview: Policy Document Analysis Data for the PhD Thesis "More than trees"
Isaac, Roman; Hofmann, Johanna; Däfler, Lene Salia; Martín-López, Berta
2024|Data Collection:Data PhD Isaac|DOI: 10.48548/pubdata-216The researchers conducted a policy document analysis (PDA) to identify how policy document intend to govern anthropogenic capitals in the co-production of nature's contributions to people (NCP). They used a four step approach to identify policies. First, they checked the scientific literature for references to relevant documents. Second, they conducted an online search in databases of relevant institutions. Third, they assessed which Natura 2000 sites were located in their case study sites and plots to find relevant Natura 2000 management plans. Fourth, they interviewed 37 forest managers and 13 conservationists and asked them about policy documents relevant for their work. In total the researchers identified 96 policy documents from different policy fields. Of these 76 met their selection criteria of referring to governance of anthropogenic capitals in nature's contributions to people co-production in forests. The research group coded these policy documents using a deductive coding scheme. The data set consists of the coding set, the coding and a full list of the 76 documents.
Coding, Coding Set, and Document List: Systematic Literature Review Data for the PhD Thesis "More than trees”
Isaac, Roman; Martín-López, Berta
2024|Data Collection:Data PhD Isaac|DOI: 10.48548/pubdata-214The research group conducted a systematic literature review on peer-reviewed publications dealing with the governance of co-produced nature's contributions to people (NCP) and ecosystem services. The researchers used two search strings. The first search string covered NCP and ecosystem services co-production literature and returned 384 publications. When assessing the abstracts the researchers found that 170 papers potentially included NCP co-production. This narrowed down to 25 publications that explicitly (i.e. stated by authors) or implicitly (i.e. not stated by authors but covered in the paper) referred to NCP co-production when assessing the full-text. The second search string covered ecosystem services governance. This search string resulted in 157 publications covering empirical cases of ecosystem services governance. Of these 21 were found to deal with NCP co-production. The researchers found one duplicate in both searches resulting in 45 publications used within the full text review. The researchers followed a deductive coding scheme to assess the publications. This data set presents the coding set, the publication list and the coding.
Digital Health Platform Governance Document Register
Maschewski, Jan; Richter, Kenneth; Zimmer, Markus Philipp
2023|Data Collection:IIS Digital Health Platform Governance|DOI: 10.48548/pubdata-69.3This dataset is a register of documents included in an analysis of digital health platform governance sorted in two lists: The first list shows documents regarding Apple Health. The second list focuses on documents from (2) telematics infrastructure with a special view on German healthcare. The register provides author, year, title and referring link to every single document and includes various types of web resources such as laws, statements, guidelines, workflows, reports, articles, etc.
Woody-plant based ecosystem services based on household survey: Data from southwestern Ethiopia
Duguma, Dula Wakassa; Shumi, Girma; Fischer, Jörn
2024|Data Collection:Data PhD Dula|DOI: 10.48548/pubdata-53The data contains household surveys of woody-plant use in three districts of Jimma zone of Oromia region of Ethiopia, surveyed from 180 households. It also contains woody-plant survey at 71 sites in farmland and 107 sites in forest that shows the abundance of individual stems of trees and shrubs used for different purposes by the local community. Besides, it contains environmental and human disturbance variables used to predict the availability of woody-plant based ecosystem services in the entire landscape.
Ecosystem Service Provision, Values and Stakeholders in Gera, Gumay, and Setema Woreda, Ethiopia
Brück, Maria
2024|Data Collection:Daten PhD Brück|DOI: 10.48548/pubdata-150Der Datensatz führt drei verschiedene Datenarten zusammen, um sie für eine Analyse von Ökosystemdienstleistungen und damit zusammenhängenden ökologischen und sozialen Aspekten heute und in der Zukunft zu nutzen. Der erste Teil (Datasheet 1) umfasst Daten zur Bereitstellung von elf lokal relevanten Ökosystemdienstleistungen in 66 Kebeles (kleinste Verwaltungseinheiten in Äthiopien) heute und unter vier Zukunftszenarien, welche auf Basis diverser Primär- und Sekundärdaten (siehe integrierte Dokumentation) erhoben und ermittelt wurden. Der zweite Teil (Datasheet 2) ist das Produkt einer Interviewbefragung mit 164 teilnehmenden Personen. Der Fragebogen bestand aus einer Übung, um die Werttypen (instrumental, relational, intrinsisch) zu erfassen, die jedem von insgesamt zehn Ökosystemdienstleistungen zugeschrieben werden. Der dritte Teil (Datasheet 3) ist das Ergebnis von semi-strukturierten Interviews und quantifiziert Stakeholdergruppen (Regierungsorganisationen, private, gemeinschaftsbasierte, Nicht-Regierungs-Organisationen) mit einem Interesse an Ökosystemdienstleistungen in der Studienregion.The dataset brings together three different types of data to be used for an analysis of ecosystem services and related environmental and social aspects today and in the future. The first part (Datasheet 1) contains data on the provision of eleven locally relevant ecosystem services in 66 kebeles (the smallest administrative units in Ethiopia) today and under four future scenarios, which were collected and determined on the basis of various primary and secondary data (see details in the integrated documentation). Data sheet 2 is the product of an interview survey with 164 respondents. The questionnaire consisted of an exercise to assess the types of values (instrumental, relational, intrinsic) attributed to each of 10 ecosystem services. Datasheet 3 is the result of semi-structured interviews and quantifies stakeholder groups (governmental, private, community-based, non-governmental organizations) with an interest in ecosystem services in the study region.
Ready biodegradability data of ionic liquids, OECD 301D (Closed Bottle Test), 2024, V1
Amsel, Ann-Kathrin; Olsson, Oliver; Kümmerer, Klaus
2024|Data Collection:INSC - Biodegradability|DOI: 10.48548/pubdata-151The data set contains biodegradability data according to OECD 301D (Closed Bottle Test) for ionic liquids. Two data sources were used to compile OECD 301D data: (a) data from the Leuphana Institute of Sustainable Chemistry (INSC) in-house biodegradation experiments and (b) literature data. The literature data and the INSC in-house data was combined. Two data sets were compiled: set IL contains just ionic liquids and set ILNI contains ionic liquids and non-ionic compounds. Duplicates were combined to one ionic liquid by calculating the mean biodegradation rate. Negative biodegradation rates were zeroed. In case several tests per substance were conducted, the mean value was calculated. The biodegradability data was classified in red: 0–19%, amber: 20–59%, green: ≥60%.
Experimental data on ready biodegradability, OECD 301D (Closed Bottle Test), 2023, V1
Olsson, Oliver; Logunova, Evgenia; Suk, Morten; Kümmerer, Klaus
2024|Data Collection:INSC - Biodegradability|DOI: 10.48548/pubdata-77Closed Bottle Test (CBT) is a simple test to evaluate the ready biodegradability of an organic compound in the environment. It was performed according to the OECD test guidelines (OECD, 1992) using a low bacterial density (2 drops STP effluent/L), low nutrient content, and at room temperature (20 ± 1 °C) in the dark. The test system consisted of four different series, each series run in parallel. The readily biodegradable sodium acetate and the test substance used in the test were adjusted to a concentration corresponding to 5 mg L−1 theoretical oxygen demand without nitrification (ThODNH3). All test bottles were inoculated with an aliquot from the effluent of the municipal sewage treatment plant (STP) in AGL Lüneburg, Germany (144,000 inhabitant equivalents). Throughout the test, the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) was monitored by measuring the dissolved oxygen concentration. A test compound is classified as “readily biodegradable” if biodegradation, expressed as a percentage of oxygen consumed in the test bottle, exceeds 60% within a period of 10 days after the oxygen consumption reached 10% ThOD. Toxicity was assessed by comparing oxygen consumption, as measured in the toxicity controls, with the predicted level calculated based on the oxygen consumption in the quality control and in the test bottles, respectively. Toxicity controls allow for the recognition of false negative results caused by the toxicity of the test compound against the degrading bacteria. --- Validity criteria (all must be fulfilled): (1) The difference of the double determination on day 28 must not be more than 20%. (2) The toxicity control must not be less than 25% degraded on day 14. (3) The oxygen consumption of the blank must be less than 1.5 mg/l on day 28. (4) The oxygen concentration of the test preparations must not be less than 0.5 mg/l. (5) The quality control must be 60% degraded on day 14. --- The data set includes for each tested substance: the smilescode, the biodegradation rate in % of the two test runs, the mean value of these two test results as a basis for the classification easily biodegradable, yes (1) or no (0).
Carabid beetles of old beech forests - repeated sampling 1999-2001 and 2020-2022
Weiss, Fabio; Winter, Susanne; Pflugmacher, Dirk; Kolling, Thomas; Linde, Andreas
2024|Data Collection:Daten PhD Weiss|DOI: 10.48548/pubdata-118This dataset compiles data investigating carabid beetles sampled from 1999 until 2001 and again from 2020 until 2022 at the same locations with identical methods. Sampling was conducted using pitfall traps. The traps consisted of a 400 ml honey jar featuring an extended PVC rim plate. They were placed in a piece of PVC pipe and covered with a metal roof. Each trap contained 200 ml of trapping fluid (50% solution of monoethylene glycol and water). From 2020 until 2022, the researchers located the exact trap locations (with a tolerance of <2 m) using the GPS locations and tree survey maps. In all years, sampling was conducted from mid-April to early November. The pitfall traps were emptied fortnightly, yielding 15 samples per trap and sampling year. Subsequently, the carabid beetles were determined to the species level according to Müller-Motzfeld (2004) by Thomas Kolling and Dirk Pflugmacher in 1999-2001 and by Fabio Weiss and Thomas Kolling in 2020-2022. The eleven study sites of this study were chosen as representative selection of managed and unmanaged beech forests of old stand age and comparable environmental site conditions. Two of the sites (Serrahn and Grumsin) have been declared UNESCO World Heritage Sites as part of the "Ancient and Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of Europe"; two others (Heilige Hallen and Fauler Ort) represent the oldest known lowland beech forests without timber use in Germany. The majority of the sites (seven, including Grumsin) are part of the Schorfheide-Chorin Biosphere Reserve, while Serrahn is part of the Müritz National Park.
German and English interview guides as part of the ReZeitKon project (2020-2021)
Frank, Pascal; Grauer, Claire
2023|Data Collection:Interview guides ReZeitKon Covid research|DOI: 10.48548/pubdata-82Bei den Daten handelt es sich um qualitative Interviewleitfäden zur Befragung von Schülerinnen und Schülern, Lehrkräften, Eltern und weiteren Ressourcenpersonen im Rahmen einer Forschung zum Zeitempfinden von Schülerinnen und Schülern deutscher Sekundarschulen während der pandemiebedingten Schulschließungen in den Jahren 2020 und 2021. Die erste Befragungsrunde fand im Zeitraum von April bis Oktober 2020 statt. Eine zweite Befragungsrunde mit leicht angepassten Interviewleitfäden wurde zwischen Februar und März 2021, während der zweiten Phase längerer Schulschließungen in Deutschland, durchgeführt.The data consists of qualitative interview guidelines for surveying secondary school students, teachers, parents and other resource persons as part of research into how students at German secondary schools perceive time during the pandemic-related school closures in 2020 and 2021. The first round of interviews took place between April and October 2020. A second round of interviews with slightly adapted interview guidelines was conducted between February and March 2021, during the second phase of extended school closures in Germany.
Ecosystem Product Rankings and Values in Gera, Gumay, and Setema Woreda, Ethiopia
Brück, Maria
2023|Data Collection:Daten PhD Brück|DOI: 10.48548/pubdata-51Der Datensatz ist das Produkt einer Interviewbefragung mit 316 teilnehmenden Personen. Er enthält Daten mit Informationen und Angaben der Befragten über die Rangfolge sowie die ihnen zugeschriebenen Werte von 11 lokal relevanten Ökosystemprodukten (spezifische Produkte, die aus Ökosystemen gewonnen werden) im Südwesten Äthiopiens, nämlich zu: Rindfleisch, biologische Vielfalt, Rinder, Kaffee, Eukalyptus, Brennholz, Honig, Khat, Mais, Sorghum, Teff. Die Befragten stammten aus acht Kebeles (kleinste Verwaltungseinheiten in Äthiopien) entlang eines sozial-ökologischen Gradienten und einer Stadt, die sich in drei Woredas (Bezirke) in der Zone Jimma, Region Oromia, Äthiopien (Gera, Gumay und Setema Woreda) befinden. Der Fragebogen bestand aus (1) einem bildbasierten Ranking, um die allgemeine Bedeutung der 11 Ökosystemprodukte zu bewerten, und (2) einer Übung, um die Werttypen (instrumental, relational, intrinsisch) zu erfassen, die jedem Ökosystemprodukt zugeschrieben werden.The dataset includes data comprising information on rankings of and values ascribed to 11 locally relevant ecosystem products (specific products appropriated from ecosystems) by 316 participants in southwestern Ethiopia, i.e. beef, biodiversity, cattle, coffee, eucalyptus, firewood, honey, khat, maize, sorghum, teff. Participants originated from eight kebeles (smallest administrative units in Ethiopia) along a social-ecological gradient and one town located in three woredas (districts), in Jimma Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia, namely Gera, Gumay and Setema woreda. The questionnaire consisted of (1) a picture-based ranking exercise to assess the general importance of the 11 ecosystem products to participants’ livelihoods, and (2) an exercise (token distribution) to assess the value types (instrumental, relational, intrinsic) ascribed to each ecosystem product.
Dynamic / Interactive Web Resource
Teach About U.S. Moodle Course: The U.S. Embassy School Election Project 2012
Kaliampos, Joannis; Schmidt, Torben; Kohl, Martina; Ernst, Karin; Krüger, Katja
2023|Data Collection:Teach About U.S. Moodle Course|DOI: 10.48548/pubdata-45The resource comprises an English language course centered around the topic of U.S. 2012 Elections, encompassing a well-structured curriculum comprising language activities and multimedia resources, which can be seamlessly integrated into the Moodle learning management system. The course is structured around the theme of U.S. Presidential Elections, guiding students to explore and analyze a specific U.S. state in depth. Through intensive research and investigation, students delve into various aspects of the chosen state, including its voting history, economy, culture, demographics and political landscape. This comprehensive exploration empowers learners to develop a nuanced understanding of the state's unique characteristics and its potential voting patterns. Within the course, a wide range of engaging language activities is provided, encompassing reading comprehension, speaking opportunities, research and writing assignments. These activities are strategically designed to reinforce English language proficiency while simultaneously fostering critical thinking skills, cultural awareness, and deeper understanding of the U.S. political system. The inclusion of open source texts and materials enriches the learning experience and exposes students to authentic and diverse sources of information such as news articles, transcribed speeches, interviews, H5P videos, official government websites and historical documents related to U.S. Elections and politics. This exposure enhances learners' language proficiency by immersing them in real-world language usage and providing valuable insights into the intricacies of American politics. The course materials are conveniently packaged in a Moodle file.
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