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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 51
Systematik Wissenschaftliches Schreiben
Knorr, Dagmar
2025|Data Collection:Schreibzentrum / Writing Center: Reflexionsinstrumente | Reflection Toolkit|DOI: 10.48548/pubdata-1673Die Systematik Wissenschaftliches Schreiben ist ein Modell, das die Anforderungen wissenschaftlichen Schreibens auf die Wissensbereiche deklaratives, prozedurales und metakognitives Wissen abbildet. Erweitert ist das Modell durch kurze Erklärungen der verschiedenen Anforderungen.
Virtual Reality Job Interview Training – Deutsch
Escher, Yannik A.; Petrowsky, Hannes M.; Kuhl, Poldi; Loschelder, David D.
2025|Data Collection:Job Interview Training in Virtual Reality|DOI: 10.48548/pubdata-1668The resource is an immersive Virtual Reality (VR) training program designed to support individuals at various stages of their career journey, including students, graduates, and early-career professionals. The training focuses on developing critical communication skills, managing anxiety, and learning effective techniques for answering interview questions. By offering a safe and interactive environment, the VR training enables participants to gain practical experience and confidence in navigating job interviews. Thus, using state-of-the-art VR technology, this training serves as a robust tool for applied learning, empowering users to approach job interviews with confidence and competence. The training is semi-automated. A human instructor is necessary to guide the interviewee through the interview. The training includes classic interview questions, scenario-based vignette questions, salary negotiation simulations, and follow-up questions to customize the experience based on participant responses. The VR format provides a virtually mediated setting, allowing learners to practice interview scenarios in an engaging and realistic manner. The training was empirically validated through a multi-wave intervention study with a control condition, involving 114 participants. The results demonstrated its effectiveness in enhancing participants' preparedness for job interviews and reducing interview-related anxiety.
Kommunales Nachhaltigkeitsbarometer Niedersachsen 2024 (KNBN)
Redenius, Pia; Heinrichs, Harald
2025|Data Collection:Daten "Kommunales Nachhaltigkeitsbarometer Niedersachsen" (2024)|DOI: 10.48548/pubdata-1561Der Datensatz beinhaltet Umfrageergebnisse samt zugehörigem Fragebogen und Codebook des "Kommunalen Nachhaltigkeitsbarometer Niedersachsen 2024" (KNBN), einer standardisierten Online-Befragung von niedersächsischen Landkreisen, Städten und (Samt-)Gemeinden. Ziel dieser Umfrage war es, einen Überblick über den Stand der Umsetzung von Nachhaltigkeit und Klimaschutz in den Kommunen des Landes Niedersachsen aus Perspektive der zuständigen Verwaltungsmitarbeitenden (z.B. Hauptverwaltungsbeamten und -beamtinnen sowie Klimaschutzmanagerinnen und -managern) zu erhalten. Die Daten wurden im Frühjahr 2024 in Kooperation mit dem Niedersächsischen Ministerium für Umwelt, Energie und Klimaschutz und den Kommunalen Spitzenverbänden (NLT, NST und NSGB) erhoben und statistisch ausgewertet. Das methodische Vorgehen und die Ergebnisse der Auswertung können im begleitenden Bericht "Kommunalen Nachhaltigkeitsbarometer Niedersachsen 2024" eingesehen werden.
Virtual Reality Job Interview Training – English
Escher, Yannik A.; Petrowsky, Hannes M.; Kuhl, Poldi; Loschelder, David D.
2025|Data Collection:Job Interview Training in Virtual Reality|DOI: 10.48548/pubdata-1562The resource is an immersive Virtual Reality (VR) training program designed to support individuals at various stages of their career journey, including students, graduates, and early-career professionals. The training focuses on developing critical communication skills, managing anxiety, and learning effective techniques for answering interview questions. By offering a safe and interactive environment, the VR training enables participants to gain practical experience and confidence in navigating job interviews. Thus, using state-of-the-art VR technology, this training serves as a robust tool for applied learning, empowering users to approach job interviews with confidence and competence. The training is semi-automated. A human instructor is necessary to guide the interviewee through the interview. The training includes classic interview questions, scenario-based vignette questions, salary negotiation simulations, and follow-up questions to customize the experience based on participant responses. The VR format provides a virtually mediated setting, allowing learners to practice interview scenarios in an engaging and realistic manner. The training was empirically validated through a multi-wave intervention study with a control condition, involving 114 participants. The results demonstrated its effectiveness in enhancing participants' preparedness for job interviews and reducing interview-related anxiety.
KI-Gebrauch im Studienkontext dokumentieren
Baresel, Kira; Eube, Cornelia; Knorr, Dagmar; Lutter, Ly; Nys, Jasmin de; Röben, Marieke
2024|Data Collection:Niedersächsische Austauschrunde KI|DOI: 10.48548/pubdata-1476In Studium und Lehre wirft die Verwendung KI-basierter Hilfsmittel insbesondere im Prüfungskontext Fragen auf. Wie lässt sich die Anforderung, Leistungen eigenständig zu erbringen, mit der Nutzung solcher Technologien vereinbaren? Welche Unterschiede bestehen im Vergleich zum Zitieren herkömmlicher Quellen? Wie kann der Einsatz KI-basierter Hilfsmittel aussagekräftig offengelegt werden? Die vorliegenden Vorschläge sollen Lehrenden Wege aufzeigen, wie die Verwendung KI-basierter Hilfsmittel im Bereich der Leistungserbringung reflektiert erfolgen, kenntlich gemacht und dokumentiert werden kann.
BNBN 2024: Betriebsrat-Datensatz
Hartmann, Eric; Heinrichs, Harald
2024|Data Collection:Daten "Betriebliches Nachhaltigkeitsbarometer Niedersachsen" (2024)|DOI: 10.48548/pubdata-1526Der Datensatz beinhaltet Umfrageergebnisse samt zugehörigem Fragebogen und Codebook des "Betrieblichen Nachhaltigkeitsbarometers Niedersachsen" (BNBN), einer standardisierten Online-Befragung von Personen aus dem Management sowie aus Betriebs- und Personalräten in niedersächsischen Unternehmen. Der vorliegende Datensatz bezieht sich dabei ausschließlich auf die Befragung der Betriebsräte und Personalräte. Ziel dieser Umfrage war es, einen Überblick über den Stand der Umsetzung von Nachhaltigkeit und Klimaschutz in der Wirtschaft in Niedersachsen aus Perspektive der Befragten zu erhalten. Die Daten wurden im Frühjahr 2024 in Kooperation mit dem Niedersächsischen Ministerium für Umwelt, Energie und Klimaschutz und der Niedersachsen Allianz für Nachhaltigkeit erhoben und statistisch ausgewertet. Das methodische Vorgehen und die Ergebnisse der Auswertung können im begleitenden Bericht "Betriebliches Nachhaltigkeitsbarometer Niedersachsen 2024" eingesehen werden.
BNBN 2024: Management-Datensatz
Hartmann, Eric; Heinrichs, Harald
2024|Data Collection:Daten "Betriebliches Nachhaltigkeitsbarometer Niedersachsen" (2024)|DOI: 10.48548/pubdata-1522Der Datensatz beinhaltet Umfrageergebnisse samt zugehörigem Fragebogen und Codebook des "Betrieblichen Nachhaltigkeitsbarometers Niedersachsen" (BNBN), einer standardisierten Online-Befragung von Personen aus dem Management sowie aus Betriebs- und Personalräten in niedersächsischen Unternehmen. Der vorliegende Datensatz bezieht sich dabei ausschließlich auf die Befragung der Personengruppe aus dem Management. Ziel dieser Umfrage war es, einen Überblick über den Stand der Umsetzung von Nachhaltigkeit und Klimaschutz in der Wirtschaft in Niedersachsen aus Perspektive der Befragten zu erhalten. Die Daten wurden im Frühjahr 2024 in Kooperation mit dem Niedersächsischen Ministerium für Umwelt, Energie und Klimaschutz und der Niedersachsen Allianz für Nachhaltigkeit erhoben und statistisch ausgewertet. Das methodische Vorgehen und die Ergebnisse der Auswertung können im begleitenden Bericht "Betriebliches Nachhaltigkeitsbarometer Niedersachsen 2024" eingesehen werden.
The Cascade Model of Academic and Scientific Text Production
Knorr, Dagmar
2024|Data Collection:Schreibzentrum / Writing Center: Reflexionsinstrumente | Reflection Toolkit|DOI: 10.48548/pubdata-239The Cascade Model of Academic and Scientific Text Production encourages individuals to reflect on their ideas about writing and their decision-making and practices as writers, thereby enabling to take appropriate actions. Along a timeline, the model illustrates the overlapping phases and the knowledge-generating and product-oriented actions during the entire writing process and describes the characteristics of each of these individual phases and the purposes of the actions.
Sleepcare Outcome Data 2024
Brückner, Hanna Amira
2024|Data Collection:Data Brueckner Sleepcare (Care4Care) 2024|DOI: 10.48548/pubdata-1384This study investigated the effectiveness of the digital SleepCare intervention for reducing insomnia in nurses suffering from shift work sleep disorder. In a two-arm randomized controlled trial (N=74), SleepCare was compared to shift work-specific psychoeducation published digitally by the German Sleep Society. The diagnosis of shift work sleep disorder was established through a clinical interview. The primary outcome was insomnia severity measured using the Insomnia Severity Index (ISI) at baseline, 8 weeks and 3 months. Further indicators of mental health and long-term hair cortisol concentration were evaluated as secondary endpoints. The intention-to-treat analysis of covariance showed a greater reduction in insomnia severity in the intervention group versus psychoeducation, at both post-intervention (d=1.11) and follow-up (d=0.97), corresponding to between-group differences of 5.0 and 5.3 ISI points, respectively. Significant effects were observed for sleep-related, but not other mental health indicators. The effects on insomnia were reflected in reduced long-term hair cortisol in the intervention group. SleepCare was effective at reducing insomnia symptoms to a clinically-meaningful extent and is one of the first program adapted to a digital cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) intervention to address nurses' needs, including specific exercises for shift workers. Biological evaluation using hair cortisol, collected from participants at home, was feasible and appropriate for preserving the advantages of digital interventions; namely, flexibility in time and place.
Care4Care outcome data 2024
Boß, Leif; Ross, Jennifer; Reis, Dorota; Pischel, Sarah; Mallwitz, Tim; Brückner, Hanna Amira; Tanner, Grit; Nissen, Helge; Kalon, Lina; Schümann, Marlies; Lennefer, Thomas; Janneck, Monique; Felfe, Jörg; Ducki, Antje; Lehr, Dirk
2024|Data Collection:Data Care4Care 2024|DOI: 10.48548/pubdata-1371The dataset is the result of a cluster-randomized controlled trial as part of the project Care4Care. Following an integrated approach, the research group developed an occupational e-mental health platform, Care4Care, which integrates both work-directed and person-directed interventions for promoting mental health in nurses. They evaluated the effects of the platform compared with those of an extended care-as-usual control condition. 357 nurses and professional carers (intervention: 211, control: 136) from 33 healthcare service facilities have been investigated. The participants received either immediate access to the platform or access to two short subcomponents of the platform plus routine occupational health promotion offerings as well as delayed access to the whole platform after six months. The primary outcome was improvement in the psychosocial safety climate after six months. The secondary outcomes included perceived stress, depressive symptoms, and other strain-related indicators. The results indicate: Bayesian multilevel analyses revealed a meaningful improvement in the psychosocial safety climate in the intervention group compared with the control group (Median = 2.04 [95% CrI: -0.32 to 4.44], Cohen's d = 0.25]. The analysis showed that the intervention was superior with a probability of 95.4%. In addition, analyses of the secondary outcomes revealed a probability of 99.3% for a superior effect of the intervention compared with the control on perceived stress and lower probabilities (83.5% to 91.6%) for effects on cognitive and emotional strain, self-care, and depression. No meaningful effects on presenteeism, absenteeism, reward, effort, vigour or job satisfaction were found. A total of 85 (40%) participants in the intervention group used Care4Care, whereas 37 (27%) participants in the control group used the two subcomponents of the platform.
My Writing Consultation Competency: A Self-Assessment Tool
Knorr, Dagmar; Edlich, Micha Gerrit Philipp
2024|Data Collection:Schreibzentrum / Writing Center: Reflexionsinstrumente | Reflection Toolkit|DOI: 10.48548/pubdata-238Der Fragebogen soll es Schreibberaterinnen und Schreibberatern ermöglichen, ihre Schreibberatungskompetenz zu reflektieren. Schreibberatende greifen während eines Beratungsgespräch auf vielfältiges Wissen zurück, das in dem Fragebogen systematisch behandelt wird. Ziel dieses Fragebogens ist es, Schreibberatenden die Möglichkeit zu geben, sich mit den verschiedenen Anforderungen systematisch auseinanderzusetzen. Auf diese Weise soll ein Beitrag zur (Weiter-)Entwicklung der Schreibberatungskompetenz geleistet werden. In schreibdidaktischen Einrichtungen kann das Instrument genutzt werden, um bspw. Schreibberatungsausbildungen auf Schwerpunktsetzungen hin zu prüfen oder um es als Organisationsentwicklungsinstrument zu nutzen.
Meine Schreibberatungskompetenz. Selbsteinschätzungsbogen
Knorr, Dagmar
2024|Data Collection:Schreibzentrum / Writing Center: Reflexionsinstrumente | Reflection Toolkit|DOI: 10.48548/pubdata-232Der Fragebogen soll es Schreibberaterinnen und Schreibberatern ermöglichen, ihre Schreibberatungskompetenz zu reflektieren. Schreibberatende greifen während eines Beratungsgespräch auf vielfältiges Wissen zurück, das in dem Fragebogen systematisch behandelt wird. Ziel dieses Fragebogens ist es, Schreibberatenden die Möglichkeit zu geben, sich mit den verschiedenen Anforderungen systematisch auseinanderzusetzen. Auf diese Weise soll ein Beitrag zur (Weiter-)Entwicklung der Schreibberatungskompetenz geleistet werden. In schreibdidaktischen Einrichtungen kann das Instrument genutzt werden, um bspw. Schreibberatungsausbildungen auf Schwerpunktsetzungen hin zu prüfen oder um es als Organisationsentwicklungsinstrument zu nutzen.
Water governance and sustainability outcomes: dataset from systematic review of 165 empirical water governance research articles
Bilalova, Shahana; Newig, Jens; Villamayor-Tomas, Sergio
2024|Data Collection:Data PhD Bilalova|DOI: 10.48548/pubdata-235Coding data from the systematic literature review of 165 studies (223 cases), encompassing the years of 1985 - 2020. The coding scheme covers six categories: bibliographic information, research framework, research design, case-related information, the characteristics of the water-related context and water governance, and sustainability outcomes.
Pathways to water-related sustainability: case survey data from 40 empirical water governance studies, complemented by expert surveys and additional case-based literature
Bilalova, Shahana; Jager, Nicolas W.; Newig, Jens; Villamayor-Tomas, Sergio
2024|Data Collection:Data PhD Bilalova|DOI: 10.48548/pubdata-236Data from the case survey of 40 cases from empirical water governance studies, supplemented with expert survey and secondary data coding. The coded variables are Capacity (CAP), Fit (FIT) from the aggregation of Temporal fit, Spatial fit, and Functional fit, Interplay (INTER) from the aggregation of Vertical interplay and Horizontal interplay, Decentralization (DEC), Participation (PART), Adaptiveness/knowledge integration (ADAPT) from the aggregation of Flexibility, Use of evidence, and Knowledge integration, Problématique 1: Groundwater exploitation for agriculture (P1), and Sustainability outcome (OUT).
My Scientific Writing Competency: A Self-Assessment Tool
Knorr, Dagmar; Edlich, Micha Gerrit Philipp
2024|Data Collection:Schreibzentrum / Writing Center: Reflexionsinstrumente | Reflection Toolkit|DOI: 10.48548/pubdata-226This questionnaire is part of a collection of different reflection tools that were developed in the Writing Center of Leuphana University Lüneburg. The aim of this self-assessment questionnaire is to visualise the diverse requirements of scientific writing. It is aimed at people who write academically. The questionnaire covers the following areas: Dealing with the Writing Process, Reading, Developing Ideas and Questions, Drafting your text, Genre, Citations and Reference, Creating your Argument, Use of Language, Media, AI and Writing, Organising the Process. Statements are presented for each area, which are to be assessed using Likert scales. In addition, free text fields are provided for writing down further thoughts. On the one hand, the questionnaires serve to reflect on individual competencies and, on the other, they can be used as instruments for organisational development.
Meine wissenschaftliche Schreibkompetenz. Selbsteinschätzungsbogen
Knorr, Dagmar
2024|Data Collection:Schreibzentrum / Writing Center: Reflexionsinstrumente | Reflection Toolkit|DOI: 10.48548/pubdata-225Dieser Fragebogen gehört zu einer Sammlung verschiedener Reflexionsinstrumente, die im Schreibzentrum der Leuphana Universität Lüneburg entwickelt wurden. Ziel dieses Selbsteinschätzungsbogens ist es, die vielfältigen Anforderungen beim wissenschaftlichen Schreiben sichtbar zu machen. Zielgruppe sind Personen, die wissenschaftlich schreiben. Der Fragebogen umfasst Fragen zu folgenden Anforderungsbereichen: Zum Umgang mit dem Prozess des Schreibens, Lesen, Ideen und Fragestellung entwickeln, Text formulieren, Textformen, Zitation und Intertextualität, Argumentieren, Sprachen, Medien, KI und Schreiben sowie Prozessorganisation. Zu jedem Bereich werden Aussagen präsentiert, die über Likert-Skalen bewertet werden sollen. Zusätzlich sind Freitextfelder vorgesehen, um weitere Gedanken niederschreiben zu können. Die Fragebögen dienen zum einen der Reflexion der individuellen Kompetenzen, zum anderen können sie als Instrumente zur Organisationsentwicklung eingesetzt werden.
Fieldwork Protocol: Effects of land management on the Supply and Distribution of ecosystem services (ESuDis)
Isaac, Roman; Kachler, Jana; Martín-López, Berta; Felipe-Lucia, María
2024|Data Collection:Data for the project Effects of land management on the Supply and Distribution of ecosystem services|DOI: 10.48548/pubdata-218The project "Effects of land management on the Supply and Distribution of ecosystem services" (ESuDis) seeks to better understand the interplay of natural and anthropogenic capitals in the co-production of nature's contributions to people (NCP), including ecosystem services. In this protocol, the authors report on the project aims, the research design and methods employed during fieldwork. The protocol provides documentation and information about the 39 semi-structured interviews with foresters and conservation managers serving as basis for a social network analysis with a focus on the description of the case study sites, the selection of the respondents, the research design (rankings and interviews), the collection and the processing of the data. The interviews were conducted across three case study sites in Germany: Schorfheide-Chorin in the Northeast, Hainich-Dün in the Centre, and Schwäbische Alb in the Southwest. All three case study sites belong to the large-scale and long-term research platform Biodiversity Exploratories. The protocol is supplemented by a short definition part, a map (case study sites), the consent form and the interview design, i.e. the ranking and the interview guide.
Coding Set: Social Network Analysis Data for the PhD Thesis "More than trees"
Isaac, Roman; Martín-López, Berta
2024|Data Collection:Data PhD Isaac|DOI: 10.48548/pubdata-217To identify relevant actors for the governance of co-produced forest nature's contributions to people (NCP) the researchers conducted a social-network analysis based on 39 semi-structured interviews with foresters and conservation managers. These interviews were conducted across three case study sites in Germany: Schorfheide-Chorin in the Northeast, Hainich-Dün in the Centre, and Schwäbische Alb in the Southwest. All three case study sites belong to the large-scale and long-term research platform Biodiversity Exploratories. The researchers employed a predefined coding set to analyse the interviews and grasp the relationships between different actors based on the anthropogenic capitals they used to co-produce forest nature's contributions to people (NCP). To secure the interviewees anonymity this coding cannot be published. Therefore, this data set is limited to this coding set.
Coding, Coding Set, and Policy Overview: Policy Document Analysis Data for the PhD Thesis "More than trees"
Isaac, Roman; Hofmann, Johanna; Däfler, Lene Salia; Martín-López, Berta
2024|Data Collection:Data PhD Isaac|DOI: 10.48548/pubdata-216The researchers conducted a policy document analysis (PDA) to identify how policy document intend to govern anthropogenic capitals in the co-production of nature's contributions to people (NCP). They used a four step approach to identify policies. First, they checked the scientific literature for references to relevant documents. Second, they conducted an online search in databases of relevant institutions. Third, they assessed which Natura 2000 sites were located in their case study sites and plots to find relevant Natura 2000 management plans. Fourth, they interviewed 37 forest managers and 13 conservationists and asked them about policy documents relevant for their work. In total the researchers identified 96 policy documents from different policy fields. Of these 76 met their selection criteria of referring to governance of anthropogenic capitals in nature's contributions to people co-production in forests. The research group coded these policy documents using a deductive coding scheme. The data set consists of the coding set, the coding and a full list of the 76 documents.
Coding, Coding Set, and Document List: Systematic Literature Review Data for the PhD Thesis "More than trees”
Isaac, Roman; Martín-López, Berta
2024|Data Collection:Data PhD Isaac|DOI: 10.48548/pubdata-214The research group conducted a systematic literature review on peer-reviewed publications dealing with the governance of co-produced nature's contributions to people (NCP) and ecosystem services. The researchers used two search strings. The first search string covered NCP and ecosystem services co-production literature and returned 384 publications. When assessing the abstracts the researchers found that 170 papers potentially included NCP co-production. This narrowed down to 25 publications that explicitly (i.e. stated by authors) or implicitly (i.e. not stated by authors but covered in the paper) referred to NCP co-production when assessing the full-text. The second search string covered ecosystem services governance. This search string resulted in 157 publications covering empirical cases of ecosystem services governance. Of these 21 were found to deal with NCP co-production. The researchers found one duplicate in both searches resulting in 45 publications used within the full text review. The researchers followed a deductive coding scheme to assess the publications. This data set presents the coding set, the publication list and the coding.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 51
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