Guidelines Research Data

The institu­tional research data repo­sitory PubData of Leuphana Uni­versity Luene­burg sees itsself as a service pro­vider for the collection, preser­vation, pre­paration and, if possible, the publishing of research re­sults, especially litera­ture and research data together with the under­lying materials. PubData aims to offer these services in such a way that the repro­ducibility of the research results can be sus­tained. For this purpose, PubData intends to make all relevant infor­mation, data and objects available, always under regula­ted terms of use, in best case via open access.

As a scienti­fic service, PubData acts in accor­dance with the Leuphana Guideline for Safe­guarding Good Scienti­fic Practice (see more, guideline only available in German) in line with the goals of Open Science. Following the correspon­ding principles, it considers itself as a FAIR research data repository.

For a correspon­ding implemen­tation, the MIZ as provider ensures that data added to the inven­tory fundamen­tally fulfil certain technical, formal and legal criteria for the intended pur­poses of usage. These are mani­fested in the PubData Collection Policy Research Data (→ Downloads) and are checked in the course of the data ingest check for sub­mitted data in a standar­dized pro­cedure. During the sub­mission process, the data-­depositing party in turn ensures the correct­ness and harmless­ness of the inten­ded use by means of the PubData Agreement Archiving Research Data or the PubData Agreement Publication Research Data (→ Downloads). PubData under­lines in this context that it is not respon­sible for the content and metho­dology of submitted and provided data.

MIZ, with Linked Open Data as a bench­mark, also guaran­tees the appro­priate visibi­lity, presen­tation and pre­paration of published resources / objects through linking, enrichment, contex­tualization and disse­mination in its own PubData Catalogue as well as feeding into over­arching catalogue systems and search engines.

Additionally, in its function as the institu­tional data archive of Leuphana Univer­sity Luene­burg, PubData guaran­tees the appro­priate, professional and sus­tainable archiving (i.e. storage and preser­vation) of data collections and data­sets that are sub­mitted and suitable for this purpose in accor­dance with the specifi­cations and regu­lations adopted in the official Leuphana Archiving Directive for Research Data (Leuphana Archivierungsrichtlinie Forschungsdaten → Downloads) with particular accent on compliance with all security measures.














