Guidelines Research Data
The institutional research data repository PubData of Leuphana University Lueneburg sees itsself as a service provider for the collection, preservation, preparation and, if possible, the publishing of research results, especially literature and research data together with the underlying materials. PubData aims to offer these services in such a way that the reproducibility of the research results can be sustained. For this purpose, PubData intends to make all relevant information, data and objects available, always under regulated terms of use, in best case via open access.
As a scientific service, PubData acts in accordance with the Leuphana Guideline for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice (see more, guideline only available in German) in line with the goals of Open Science. Following the corresponding principles, it considers itself as a FAIR research data repository.
For a corresponding implementation, the MIZ as provider ensures that data added to the inventory fundamentally fulfil certain technical, formal and legal criteria for the intended purposes of usage. These are manifested in the PubData Collection Policy Research Data (→ Downloads) and are checked in the course of the data ingest check for submitted data in a standardized procedure. During the submission process, the data-depositing party in turn ensures the correctness and harmlessness of the intended use by means of the PubData Agreement Archiving Research Data or the PubData Agreement Publication Research Data (→ Downloads). PubData underlines in this context that it is not responsible for the content and methodology of submitted and provided data.
MIZ, with Linked Open Data as a benchmark, also guarantees the appropriate visibility, presentation and preparation of published resources / objects through linking, enrichment, contextualization and dissemination in its own PubData Catalogue as well as feeding into overarching catalogue systems and search engines.
Additionally, in its function as the institutional data archive of Leuphana University Lueneburg, PubData guarantees the appropriate, professional and sustainable archiving (i.e. storage and preservation) of data collections and datasets that are submitted and suitable for this purpose in accordance with the specifications and regulations adopted in the official Leuphana Archiving Directive for Research Data (Leuphana Archivierungsrichtlinie Forschungsdaten → Downloads) with particular accent on compliance with all security measures.