README file for the data file EWcarabids1999-2022_samplingscheme.csv (supplementary data file to EWcarabids1999-2022_rawdata.csv) Authors: Linde, Andreas Weiss, Fabio (ORCID 0000-0003-1078-1528) Describtion of variables: Survey_Nr = generic identifier consisting of plot-id, year of sampling and sampling interval. Plot_Nr = plot id Trapping_Start = beginning of sampling (YYYY-MM-DD). Trapping_End = end of sampling (YYYY-MM-DD). sampling_effort = number of traps for this sampling interval/plot, usually 4, occassionally varying. month = month of the year, consistent with sampling interval (5,6,7) year = year of sampling (1999-2022) sample_id = consistent with 'Survey_Nr'. Trapping_length = duration of the sampling interval in days. Additional: 4 pitfall traps were set up as transect (instead of square) at plots 1,2s and 7.