These are hyperimage projects by the pilot users during the phase of software development. Some need a Flash Reader. Column on the structure of architectural columns Zurich University, contact Dr. Susanne Schumacher Giotto On the iconolgy of Giotto. Humboldt University Berlin, contact Prof. Dr. Peter Seiler Glas on church glass windows. Berlin Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Corpus Vitrearum Images of the French Revolution Media on the iconology of the caricatures during the french revolution. Munich University, contact Prof. Dr. Hubertus Kohle Mnemosynae on the Warburg Mnemosynae atlas. Leuphana University Lüneburg Palast on the Palast der Republik East Berlin ("Erichs Lampenladen"). Humboldt University Berlin, contact Prof. Dr. Dorothee Haffner Peirce on Charles Sanders Peirce's image based semiology. Humboldt University Berlin, contact Dr. Pablo Schneider Piranesi Piranesi_II piranesi_III on Piranesi's architectural drawings. Giessen University, contact Prof. Dr. Marcel Baumgartner, and Leuphana University Lüneburg Sculpture on the Santiago di Compostela Cathedral. Humboldt University Berlin, contact Prof. Dr. Claudia Rückert