README file for the data file Beech_carabids_site_variables.csv Authors: Weiss, Fabio (ORCID 0000-0003-1078-1528) Winter, Susanne Pflugmacher, Dirk Kolling, Thomas Linde, Andreas Describtion of variables: site: trivial name of sampling site Latitude: latitude (geographic coordinates) Longitute: longitude (geographic coordinates) Protection: protection status of the site, 1=strict reserve, 0=extensively managed according to Winter et al. (2020) estimated community weighted mean of carabid beetle size in 1999-2001 Mean.percipitation: mean annual sum of precipitation for the years 2002-2022 based on DWD data and IDW interpolation Landscape.cover: percent of area classified as forest, wetland or water according to Pflugmacher et al. (2019) in a 1000m radius around the site center Canopy: mean canopy cover of the upper tree layer based on data of Begehold et al. (2016) Winter, S., Begehold, H., Herrmann, M., Lüderitz, M., Möller, G., Rzanny, M., Flade, M., 2020. Best Practice Handbook - Nature Conservation in Beech Forests used for Timber - Nature conservation objectives and management recommendations for mature beech forests in north-eastern Germany. Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and Climate Protection of the Federal State of Brandenburg. Pflugmacher, D., Rabe, A., Peters, M., Hostert, P., 2019. Mapping pan-European land cover using Landsat spectral-temporal metrics and the European LUCAS survey. Remote Sensing of Environment 221, 583–595. Begehold, H., Rzanny, M., Winter, S., 2016. Patch patterns of lowland beech forests in a gradient of management intensity. Forest Ecology and Management, Special Section: Forest Management for Climate Change 360, 69–79.